Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Elderberry Cold and Flu Tonic

Did you know that the black elderberry has strong immune stimulating properties and it is one of the most powerful anti-viral remedies known to man? Elderberry juice is slightly sweet and is packed in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants.

One to three ounces of elderberry juice per day should be taken at the first signs of a cold or the flu. But even if you don't take it right away there has been tests done showing that those who took elderberry juice still recovered more quickly (three days rather than seven) than those given a placebo.

Its been found that elderberry disarms the enzyme viruses use to penetrate healthy cells in the lining of the nose and throat. Taken before infection, it prevents infection. Taken after infection, it prevents spread of the virus through the respiratory tract.

In a clinical trial, 20% of study subjects reported significant improvement within 24 hours. 70% by 48 hours, and 90% claimed complete cure in three days. In contrast, subjects receiving the placebo required 6-7 days to recover.


~ Elderberries
~ Filtered Water


Take 2 T. of elderberry juice and mix with any liquid of your choosing (orange juice, apple juice, lemonade, etc.) Our favorite? Elderberry juice mixed in 1/2 cup of water with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of raw honey.

Click here for prices.

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